207-688-8195 Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast

2024 PLC Spring Safety Trainings

The PLC is pleased to offer Logger and Fleet training at no cost to it’s members and to companies that are interested in joining the PLC.     

Please review our Logger and Fleet offerings and return registration forms or register below as soon as possible, but no later than March 15, 2024 to ensure there is room for your employees at the chosen location/s.


Thank you 2024 Safety Sponsors:

Acadia Insurance- Presenting

Cross Insurance – Presenting

Barry Equipment- Logger Lunch

United Insurance – Safety Sign 

United Const. & Forestry – Logger Breakfast & Prize

Chalmers Insurance – Logger & Fleet Breakfast

Eastman Trucking & Excavation – Logger Breakfast

Whited – Fleet Breakfast

Cass Insurance – Fleet Breakfast

Katahdin Trust – Break

Maine Trailer-Break

Farm Credit East – Prize

MEMIC – Prize

Readfield Insurance – Prize

Sappi – Prize

PLC Safety Training:

PLC Safety trainings are a benefit for PLC membership for all employees.  We encourage participation yearly to ensure a culture of safety is fostered by all of our PLC members.  The training classes are held conveniently throughout the state at the garages of a hosting PLC member.  Breakfast and lunch are served.  Topics change yearly based on the biggest risks identified by the insurance industry and topics that are requested by contractors.  Our safety training’s qualify for CLP credit for renewal.  We will notify the CLP of your participation.


Since 2011, How many people has the PLC trained at Spring Safety Trainings?

Safety, Our #1 Priority

Since the PLC of the Northeast (formerly the PLC of Maine) started more than 25 years ago, there are several initiatives that have benefited the membership and the logging industry in Maine.  One initiative is the Acadia Insurance Dividend Program, which has returned over $10.5 million to PLC members since its inception in 1999.

The PLC takes the issue of safety seriously and encourages PLC members to commitment to safety, not only to reap the benefits of the Dividend Program, but to protect employees, lower costs and sustain the longevity of businesses.

The PLC is committed to the safety and well being of its membership for the very same reasons.  In the long run, if someone does not go home at night because of a life threatening injury, the risks do not outweigh the rewards.